5 Amazing health benefits of yogurt | Yogurt - Health benefits | Is yogurt good for health

  Yogurt is a fermented food product from milk and it has become one of the popular dairy products, recent days. Since it’s beneficial to health people started consuming it a lot and the manufacturers are happy in producing tasty flavored Yogurt. Yogurt is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals especially calcium and also the probiotics.

Health Benefits of Yogurt

Bones & Teeth
Yogurt is good for bones & teeth since it is a dairy product rich in Calcium.

The probiotics in Yogurt helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Aids in weight loss
Yogurt helps in burning calories by controlling appetite since it has a rich source of protein. It helps you feel fuller for a longer time.

Helps in Digestion
Yogurt improves digestive health and it also helps in diarrhea & constipation.

Heart health
Yogurt reduces the high blood pressure in the body thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.

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5 Amazing health benefits of yogurt | Yogurt - Health benefits | Is yogurt good for health 5 Amazing health benefits of yogurt | Yogurt - Health benefits | Is yogurt good for health Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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