What is Glycemic index (GI)? | Top 20 Low glycemic foods | How GI affects the blood sugar levels? |

What is the Glycemic Index?
  Glycemic Index (GI) is the measure of carbohydrates in foods on a scale of zero to hundred, according to how they affect the blood sugar levels. How quickly the food causes blood glucose levels to rise.

  Low glycemic index foods are slowly digested, absorbed, and metabolized. This will result in a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Whereas, high glycemic index foods are digested and absorbed quickly, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar.

  If the glycemic index (GI) value is 55 or less it's considered as low and 56 – 69 is the mid-range. If it's 70 or above its considered as high.
  Low Glycemic diet is helpful in weight loss, heart disease prevention, and in type 2 diabetes. Foods with low glycemic value should be added more on diet than high glycemic foods.

Low GI foods
Avocado, Onion, Mushroom, Grapefruit, Peach, Oats, Barley, Quinoa, Cheery, Yogurt, Milk, Apple, Orange, Brocolli, Cucumber, Lettuce, Bell Pepper, Tomato and Spinach.

High GI foods
White bread, French Baguette, Bagel, White Rice, Pasta, Cakes, Muffins, Cookies, Pretzels, Granola, Watermelon, Potato, and Dates.

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What is Glycemic index (GI)? | Top 20 Low glycemic foods | How GI affects the blood sugar levels? | What is Glycemic index (GI)? | Top 20 Low glycemic foods | How GI affects the blood sugar levels? | Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on August 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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