7 Amazing Health benefits of fenugreek | Benefits of fenugreek | Is fenugreek good for health

  Fenugreek is one of the most important herbs in Indian cooking. It is used as a flavoring agent in lots of Indian recipes. It has a good nutrition profile and it offers a lot of health benefits to the body.

Health benefits of fenugreek

Fenugreek is helpful for women in lactation period to increase breastmilk production.

Fenugreek is helpful for women in lactation period to increase breastmilk production.

Diabetes treatment
It helps in lowering the blood sugar levels in Diabetes patients and it improves the function of secreted insulin.

Lowers cholesterol
Eating Fenugreek seeds lowers cholesterol levels in the body especially the bad cholesterol which is LDL cholesterol.

Weight loss
The fiber in Fenugreek decreases excess body weight by suppressing appetite.

Hair growth
Fenugreek promotes hair growth and treats dandruff.

Digestion and Constipation
Fenugreek has high fiber content that improves digestion and it stimulates the bowel movement, relieving constipation.

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7 Amazing Health benefits of fenugreek | Benefits of fenugreek | Is fenugreek good for health 7 Amazing Health benefits of fenugreek | Benefits of fenugreek | Is fenugreek good for health Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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