7 Health Benefits of Eggplant | Eggplant - Health Benefits | Health benefits of eggplant

  Eggplant, also known as Aubergine (or Brinjal), is a highly nutritious vegetable widely consumed by people all over the world. They are of several colors like green, purple or white. The size of the vegetable varies depending upon the variety. Dark purple is the most common variety among all.

  Eggplants belong to the nightshade vegetable family. They have their unique texture and taste. The taste of the vegetable also varies depending upon the variety. Eggplant doesn’t have many calories. It has a rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial to the body. It’s a low-fat food and it has a good amount of Antioxidants as well. Since it is a versatile vegetable you can either bake it, fry it, cook it or grill it. You can use it in many ways. Eggplant is used in several cuisines and it also brings several health benefits to the body. Let’s list out the health benefits of eating Eggplant.

Health Benefits of Eggplant

The dietary fiber of Eggplant helps in the proper digestion of food when it's consumed on a regular basis.

Weight loss
Eggplant is a low-fat food and it has fewer calories. Also, it has a rich source of fiber and nutrition. So you can call it a healthy weight-loss food.

Eggplant helps in lowering glucose levels and it also helps in maintaining the insulin levels so, you can also call it a diabetic-friendly food.

Cancer prevention
Since eggplant is an antioxidant-rich vegetable it helps in fighting cancer. It also helps in preventing certain types of cancer.

Eggplant has a high amount of iron that helps in preventing anemia.

Heart Health
Eggplant has low cholesterol which improves heart health by preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Bone Health
Eggplants have nutrients that improve bone health.

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7 Health Benefits of Eggplant | Eggplant - Health Benefits | Health benefits of eggplant 7 Health Benefits of Eggplant | Eggplant - Health Benefits | Health benefits of eggplant Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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