5 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon | Watermelon - Health benefits

  Watermelon, the name itself says that it is a high water content refreshing fruit. It is a juicy delight on every single bite and it's one of the reasons why we wait for summer. Watermelon is not only refreshing but also serves as a good low calory snack for people of all age groups.

  Watermelon looks appealing with its bright red color and it is an interesting delicious fruit. But what about the nutrition? Is it a nutritious fruit?

  Yes, it is. A fully ripe watermelon is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eating watermelon provides several health benefits to the body.

Health benefits of Watermelon

Weight loss
Drinking plain water can always be boring. High water content fruits and vegetables like watermelon is an interesting way to hydrate the body. Since watermelon is also rich in fiber it makes us feel full and it helps in weight loss.

Anti-oxidant rich fruit
Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives red color to plants such as tomatoes and watermelon.

The antioxidants in Watermelon lowers the risk of certain cancers when it is taken on a regular basis.

Heart health
Nutrition in watermelon lowers the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. This reduces the risk of heart diseases and it maintains heart health.

Digestive health
The fiber in watermelon improves the bowel movements in the body. It helps in the digestion of food and it prevents constipation. It also helps in muscle soreness by facilitating fast recovery from exercise.

Skin and Haircare
Nutrition in watermelon is good for skin and hair. Watermelon is rich in Vitamin A and C which makes skin and hair healthy.

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5 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon | Watermelon - Health benefits 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon | Watermelon - Health benefits Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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