9 Amazing Health benefits of Ragi | Finger millet health benefits | Ragi - Health Benefits

   Ragi is becoming more popular nowadays since people are so much concerned about health. Considering the nutritional benefits of this superfood Ragi, people started consuming it in larger quantities. India is the largest producer of Ragi. It’s a gluten-free grain, rich in fiber, Calcium, and Vitamins. It also has a rich source of carbohydrates. Due to it's bland taste people ignored it. But now it has made a good comeback.

  People started using ragi as an alternative to maida. They make Ragi pizza, Ragi cake, Ragi muffins, porridge, dosa, roti, cookies, and the list goes on. So this makes it easier to include ragi on diet. You can either use Ragi flour which is available in the market or you can use it as it is as a whole grain.

Health benefits of Ragi

Weight loss
The rich dietary fiber source of ragi helps in controlling appetite. And it also has low calories so you can call it a perfect weight-loss food.

Ragi protects the heart by lowering down the cholesterol levels. It also helps in controlling blood pressure, which is again beneficial to the heart.

Diabetes is considered to be the most important problem nowadays. Regular consumption of ragi helps in reducing and maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body.

Ragi is rich in Iron and Vitamin C. Iron is more important for people with low hemoglobin. And vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron.

Bone health
Ragi is loaded with calcium and vitamin D which increases the bone strength of all age groups.

Skin aging
Vitamin D in ragi helps in maintaining skin health and it delays aging.

Ragi improves proper digestion by maintaining the bowel movements since it has a rich source of dietary fiber.

Good for lactation
Ragi, when it’s consumed regularly, can enhance the production of breastmilk for the baby.

Relaxation of body
Ragi relieves stress, depression, headache, and insomnia.

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9 Amazing Health benefits of Ragi | Finger millet health benefits | Ragi - Health Benefits 9 Amazing Health benefits of Ragi | Finger millet health benefits | Ragi - Health Benefits Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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