10 Impressive Health Benefits of Strawberry | Strawberry - Nutritional benefits |

  Strawberry is one of the most popular fruits in the world. Its a heart-shaped, juicy berry with vibrant attractive color, makes it everyone’s favorite. Strawberry has its seeds outside the skin. Strawberry is consumed all around the world, both fresh and frozen and it’s added in a variety of foods. This delicious berry is used in the preparation of several desserts.

  Strawberry is not only tasty and flavourful. It's highly nutritious. Strawberry is used as a flavoring agent in several food products like cereals, fortified foods, drinks, candies, ice creams, and yogurts. It’s also used as a flavoring agent in several cosmetic products.

  Strawberry has a rich source of minerals like Manganese, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamins like vitamin K, C, and B9. Strawberry is also rich in fiber and antioxidants. It’s a low-calorie fruit with high water content. Let's see some of the important health benefits of this berry.

10 Impressive Health Benefits of Strawberry

Strawberry has a high fiber and water content that is helpful in the digestion of food. It improves bowel movements and lowers the risk of constipation.

Heart health
Eating strawberry can lower the risk of heart diseases. It can also regulate high blood pressure which is again beneficial to the heart.

Strawberry lowers the LDL cholesterol levels in the body which is the bad cholesterol.

Immunity booster
Strawberry has a rich source of vitamin C that helps in boosting the Immune health of the body.

Strawberry lowers the risk of certain types of cancer by preventing oxidative stress. It also prevents the growth of the tumor.

Strawberry regulates the blood sugar levels in the body, so it can be a good option for Diabetic patients.

Eye health
Eating strawberry improves eye health and lowers the risk of certain eye problems.

Skin health
Strawberry makes the skin healthy and prevents certain skin problems.

Blood pressure
Strawberry has a good source of potassium that helps in regulating the blood pressure of the body.

Weight loss
Strawberry is a low-calorie fruit rich in fiber and water content. It prevents weight gain.

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10 Impressive Health Benefits of Strawberry | Strawberry - Nutritional benefits | 10 Impressive Health Benefits of Strawberry | Strawberry - Nutritional benefits | Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on August 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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