White sugar - Health effects | How to reduce the sugar intake | Health effects of eating sugar |

  Sugar has become one unavoidable thing for people. Sugar usage increases day by day among people of all age groups. It has become one of the major causes of certain chronic diseases.

Health effects of eating sugar

Sugary foods are of high on calories with less nutritional content to the body. Eating too many sugary foods can cause obesity and other chronic diseases like diabetes and heart diseases.

The second important effect of a high sugar diet is the rise in blood sugar level. This is the major risk factor for diabetes and insulin resistance in the body.

Heart disease
The prolonged eating of sugary foods also increases the risk of heart diseases.

How to reduce the sugar intake
Sugary drinks and beverages can be swapped with healthy homemade fruit juices and milkshakes.
Go for white sugar alternatives like honey, maple syrup, and dates.
Eat natural fruits instead of storebought fruit juices and milkshakes.
Homemade is always healthy, reduce the consumption of store-bought spreads, desserts, and other sugary foods.

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White sugar - Health effects | How to reduce the sugar intake | Health effects of eating sugar | White sugar - Health effects | How to reduce the sugar intake | Health effects of eating sugar | Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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