10 Health benefits of dates | Benefits of eating dates | Dates amazing benefits

The date is a chewy sweet fruit with loaded health benefits. It is sold both dried and fresh but it is popularly consumed by people as dried ones. We have a wide variety of dates available all over the world. Date is rich in fiber and nutrition and it offers a number of health benefits to our body.

Health benefits of dates

Dates are rich in carbohydrates. Since it is of high on calories it’s a very good source of energy. You can have it after a heavy workout. It's a filling high calory snack.
Dates relieve constipation. And it promotes digestion.
It maintains blood sugar levels in our body.
Dates have a rich source of antioxidants. This offers several health benefits to the body.
It promotes heart health and it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Eating dates might improve brain function as well.
Since dates have a rich source of iron it relives anemia.
Last but not the least date is a very good natural sweetener since it's rich in fructose sugar and it is a very healthy substitute for white sugar. You can use dates on your milkshakes, smoothies and on your favorite desserts as well.

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10 Health benefits of dates | Benefits of eating dates | Dates amazing benefits 10 Health benefits of dates | Benefits of eating dates | Dates amazing benefits Reviewed by Abarna Gopinath on June 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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